Cooperativa de Trabajo


LONG TAIL HAKE » Maccruronus Magellanicus

Skinless fillets gatuzo few thorns.

Scientific name: Macruronus magellanicus.
English common name:
Longtail hake, Patagonian grenadier.

External distinguishing characteristics:
Very laterally compressed body, the highest level of the first dorsal fin, then declines back to end at a sharp angle apex. Rather large scales, is fall easily. Head robust, relatively large eyes. Wide mouth, slightly prognathism of the lower jaw, the ends later than the vertical line through the center of eyes. Vomerinos jaw and teeth, the first uniseriate.
First dorsal fin begins a little behind the vertical passing through the base of the pectorals. The second continues the anal, pectoral relatively short, ventral small chest position.
Color: blue in the back, sides and belly clearer. Fins dark, somewhat more pelvic and anal clear.
Distinction of similar species in the area:
No similar species in the air. Is often mistakenly include the Patagonian grenadier with grenadiers, but it´s totally different.

The maximum size is observed total length of 117 cm. Has the capacity to regenerate caudal peduncle when damaged, so it is safer to take into account the length preanal.

Other biological data:
In deep water start in late winter – early spring. Due to the presence of larvae sizes below 12 mm in November, in the southern Patagonia region, in carcanías the coast, one can infer that this area making occurs in spring. The size at first maturity has been estimated at 24 cm to 23 cm for males and females. In the diet include small size of fish, crustaceans, cephalopods and Chaetognatha. Food of juveniles differs from that of adults. In the early and dominate eufausiids and amphipods Further fueling the aforementioned groups, adults eat fish (nototenias, sardine fuegian) and cephalopods.
Have been given until 12 years of age in males and females up to 14.

Geographical distribution and behavior:
Inhabiting South American Pacific and Atlantic waters in latitudes above 38 º S. Side Atlantic is distributed to 54 º S in platform and in the Gulf of St. George and St. Matías.
In winter is a vast region from 38 ° to 54 ° S, with four areas of greatest concentration, from less than 100 m depth to the continental slope, all south of the 50 º S, the most important front of Tierra del Fuego. In spring, the range is significantly reduced, as if the individuals were moved from north to south and from east to west, circumscribed at depths of between 100 and 200 m. There is three areas of highest concentration, two are noteworthy: the most dense, south of Puerto Deseado and the other face of Tierra del Fuego. In summer it is dispersed, but not as much as in the winter, at depths of 50 to 200 m.

Size of the resource:

Fishing fleet and gear catch:
It was captured by the fleet of factory ships, and traditional networks surimeros and semi bottom trawling.

Ways to use:
It is marketed as surimi processed for export and to a lesser extent as H & G.