Cooperativa de Trabajo


ANGEL SHARK » Squatina Guggenheim

Scientific name:
Squatina argentina
Brazil: Cacao-anjo
English: Angel Shark

Distinctive external characters:
Flattened body, covered with scales and spines or tubercles on the midline of the dorsum. Head broad and short. Eyes on posisicón dorsal and small. Five gill slits lateral, partially covered by the dorsal fins. Two small dorsal fins, located on the tail.
Coloration, dark brown back, white spots can be diffuse or less. Belly white.

Distinguishing similar species in the area:
Two species of fish are in the Amgel Argentina: Argentina and Squatina guggenheim Squatina. In Brazil there are three species: Squatina argentina, S. guggenheim and S. occult.

The maximum size observed in the south of Brazil is 91 cm in females. In males the maximum size is slightly smaller.

Other biological data:
Sexual maturity begins when you reach 70 or 80 cm in length. They have two reproductive cilcos, a maturation of oocytes and a pregnancy.
Angel fish feeds mainly on fish, both pelagic and demersal and benthic (anchoita, whiting, hake, catañeta, fishing pole, etc.).

Geographic Distribution:
The species occurs from southern Brazil to 45 º S.

Size of the resource:

Fishing fleet and gear of capture:
Is caught by the fleets and coastal high with bottom trawls.

Ways to use:

It is processed in the form of Penca, salty and dry, both for domestic market and for export.